Saturday, 28 March 2015

Women maritime leaders: new book

This month sees the launch of a new book: Maritime Women: Global Leadership. It's from the World Maritime University (WMU, sometimes jokingly nicknamed Women's Maritime University as its positive discrimination policies have been so successful)

The publisher, Springer's, website says the book:
~ Is the first book of its kind to focus on women in the maritime sector at a global level
~ Offers inter-disciplinary approach to gender issues in shipping
~ Covers women’s leadership in various maritime roles
~ Contains the overview of women's integration into the maritime sector

The editors are (see pictures, left to right) Dr Momoko Kitada (who has already written very interestingly about how women seafarers manage their identity strategies) Cdr Erin Williams of the US Coastguard and WMU lecturer Dr Lisa Loloma Froholdt.

The blurb says 'Even 20 years after the Beijing Declaration gender-related challenges at work still remain in the maritime sector, for example, lack of gender policy, difficulty in work-life balance, access to education, and leadership opportunities.

'The book addresses a series of recommendations that may further help the integration of women into the maritime sector.'


This seems a very good idea as women are still only 2 per cent of the world's maritime labour force.

Although WISTA International is very effective at networking women at the business end of the maritime spectrum, there are few women doing STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics) jobs actually out sea.

Committed women making maritime policy can help bring on the woman captains and chief engineers, at long last.

* It would be good if the publishers made the price more accessible: who can afford that £100 price ticket?

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Thanks for this post. This matter should be implemented by our different shipping company nationwide.